Since 2025: Professor of history with a focus on Africa, University of Bayreuth (W3)

2024: Research Prize of the French Red Cross Foundation

2023: Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Research Center Global Dis:connect Munic

2022: Fellow at the Center Norbert Elias EHESS Marseille

2018: Professor of history with a focus on Africa, University of Bayreuth (W2)

2016-2018: Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

2015-2017: Researcher, DFG project ‘Global refuge camps’, Humboldt University Berlin

2009-2014: Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), IAAW, Humboldt University Berlin

2011: PhD, Leipzig University, Institute for African Studies & Université Paris VII

2004-2007: Secondary school teacher, Lycée International des Pontonniers, Strasbourg

2004: MA degree International Humanitarian Action (NOHA), University of Bochum

2002: MA degree Modern and Contemporary History, Medieval History, Geography University of Tübingen & Université d’Aix-Marseille

Institutional responsibilities