Humanitarian aid and global governmentality

Theory & methods of global history

The colonial and postcolonial State

  • ‘Rethinking colonial intermediaries: On the use of career records as a source for African history. A sample from Togo’, in: Castryck, Geert, Strickrodt, Silke, Werthmann, Katja (ed.), Sources and Methods for African History and Culture. Essays in Honour of Adam Jones, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016, 413–430.
  • ‘Intermédialité et régimes d’énonciation en Afrique contemporaine, Postface,’ in: Gehrmann, Susanne, Yigbe, Dotsé (eds.), Créativité intermédiatique au Togo et dans la diaspora togolaise, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2015, 287–97.

Police, Army and the State in Africa